〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕英國《經濟學人》雜誌最近推出《2017全球趨勢》其中有寫一篇專文,裡面介紹總統蔡英文,更說蔡英文將會「再次帶領台灣成為龍虎」。《經濟學人》在這次《2017全球趨勢》特刊中探討2017年世界發展的趨勢,其中包含川普明年將任美國總統的議題,認為川普將會帶來「川普地震」。另外,在亞洲部分介紹中國國家主席習近平、台灣總統蔡英文、日本網路公司「樂天株式會社」總裁三木谷浩史、南韓籍的聯合國秘書長潘基文等人。其中《經濟學人》認為蔡英文將會「再次帶領台灣成為龍虎」,相當看好蔡英文的施政改革,認為蔡英文可帶領台灣重回「亞洲四小龍」。總統府也表示,應英國《經濟學人》雜誌之邀,總統以「臺灣將再起」(Turning Taiwan into a tiger again)為題,於該雜誌《The World in 2017》專刊發表專文,向國際社會傳達臺灣對2017年的展望。英國《經濟學人》(The Economist)雜誌自1980年代起,每年年終發行年度專刊,內容主要收集國際政界、企業、科學及藝術等各界具聲望之重量級人士,以及該雜誌或其他媒體之記者,針對來年各領域發展或趨勢所提出之觀察預測。該專刊在全球90個國家發行、被翻譯為30多種語文,英文版全球發行量超過200萬份。總統專文內容為:臺灣將再起1996年,臺灣舉行有史以來第一次總統直選,蛻變成真正的民主國家。當時的臺灣洋溢樂觀和變革的氣氛,經濟強勁,失業率低,中產階級所得提升。身為貿易談判代表的我,親身見證了臺灣克服國內外重重障礙,加入世界貿易組織的過程。臺灣曾是黑暗汪洋的一盞明燈。但是最近以來,在許多臺灣人眼中,這盞明燈卻在不確定的全球環境裡漸漸黯淡。而我,在臺灣面臨經濟與政治嚴峻挑戰的此時此刻,成為臺灣的領導人。趨緩的經濟成長,擴大的不平等,以及新的安全威脅在在考驗全球各地的經濟與政治體制。臺灣也和其他國家一樣,未來的發展將取決於如何因應當前的艱困挑戰。2016年,臺灣人民賦我們民主進步黨以改革與再造的雙重任務。我們要做的,是讓臺灣再次展翅。展望2017年,我們將重新強化臺灣的領航角色,維護基本社會安全網,以全新的發展模式振興經濟。此外,我們也將同步改革政治體制,務使經濟與社會的轉型,能和政府的透明度與民主文化的成熟發展齊頭並進。臺灣的社會安全網岌岌可危。我們推動的年金改革是以追求永續,強化對弱勢的支持為目標。臺灣各業別的年金方案各不相同,制度的不公激化社會分歧。制度的變革絕非易事,但民進黨擁有充份的民意授權可以致力推動改革。隨著房價飛漲,臺灣人民用於住屋支出的所得比例急遽上升。政府將透過公私協力的投資計畫,在2024年以前提供20萬戶民眾負擔得起的社會住宅,並為老年人提供新的社區長照中心。我們的整體目標是重新分配公共資源,建立更為公平的社會福利制度。2017年的經濟計畫將聚焦於產業升級,突破經濟停滯。我們以產業創新、創造就業為基礎,秉持經濟發展為全民共享而非獨厚少數人的理念,打造更具包容性的經濟模式。同時也將善加利用臺灣既有的產業優勢,包括成熟的產業聚落、優越的研發能力以及靈活的中小企業等。政府將透過精準的投資策略,整合公共、民間及全球的資源,培育物聯網、生物科技、智慧機械、綠能和國防等具有未來性的產業。這些產業是我們現有產業能力的自然延伸,必能讓臺灣在未來的全球經濟體系更具競爭力。目前我們正致力優化資本市場,並調整金融政策,吸引更多以創新為導向的外資;同時也對創業者與科技新創公司提供更多支持,改變人力資本的運用方式。我們延攬現年35歲的前「黑客」擔任政務委員,期使政府與新創企業零距離。而放寬外國專業人士來台就業的相關法規,也將使臺灣成為新興產業的區域人才中心。促進開放為配合經濟轉型,政府責無旁貸,必須為產品與服務開拓新市場。我們透過「新南向政策」,促進與東協、南亞、澳洲和紐西蘭的合作,並把重點放在教育、農業、文化、觀光,以及貿易投資之外的其他民間交流。臺灣已經為加入多邊貿易體系作好準備,並採取具體的作為,包括官僚作業的減少、智慧財產權的保護、投資管理程序的簡化等,我們將尋求在適當時機加入《跨太平洋夥伴協定》。而與重要貿易夥伴洽簽雙邊貿易協定的工作也正逐步進行。這一切都有賴於區域環境的穩定。我們將尋求與利害相關的各方,包括中國大陸,展開對話,為亞太地區建立和平繁榮架構。我的兩岸政策是在既有的憲政框架下,建立一致性、可預測且可持續的兩岸關係。外界對執政團隊的評價,最終將取決於我們有沒有能力改革並振興這個國家。而要達成這個目標,需要我們在充滿不確定的國際環境中,跨越世代、階級與族群的歧異,讓各種不同的利益取得平?。然而我們充滿信心,相信臺灣得之不易的民主足以承擔此一重任。臺灣的改革與再造將在2銀行小額借款快速撥款017年加快步調,向前邁進。Turning Taiwan into a tiger againIn 1996 Taiwan held its first-ever presidential election, marking our transition into a full democracy. There was an atmosphere of optimism and change across the country. The economy was strong, with low unemployment and rising middle-class incomes. As a trade negotiator, I saw first-hand how Taiwan was overcoming hurdles – both domestic and international – to joining the World Trade Organisation.Taiwan was a bright light in a sea of darkness. But lately, for many Taiwanese, that bright light has dimmed amid an uncertain global environment. I now find myself Taiwan’s leader at a time of vast economic and political challenges. Slow growth, rising inequality and new security threats are testing economic and political institutions around the world. Taiwan, no less than other countries, will be defined by how it responds to these difficulties.In 2016 the people of Taiwan entrusted my Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) with the twin tasks of reform and renewal. We want to make Taiwan an Asian tiger once again.My plan for 2017 is for Taiwan to renew its role as a pioneer, preserving our basic social safety net while revitalising the economy with a new development model. We will simultaneously work to reform political institutions, ensuring that economic and social transformations are combined with transparency and a strong democratic culture.Taiwan’s social safety net is on the brink of bankruptcy. My pension reform aims to make it sustainable and increase the support for the poorest. Taiwan has different pension programmes for different professions: an unfair practice which fuels social divisions. Changing this system will take some effort, but the DPP has a clear democratic mandate to do so.The proportion of income spent on housing by Taiwanese people has risen sharply amid a real-estate bubble. My administration will help by providing 200,000 units of affordable social housing by 2024 via a public-private investment plan. Our ageing population will also receive new community centres. Our overall goal is to redistribute public resources for a fairer welfare system.My economic plan for 2017 focuses on upgrading industries and overcoming stagnation. We are laying the groundwork for a more inclusive economic model based on innovation, job creation and the idea that growth should benefit everyone, not just the few. But we will draw on Taiwan’s existing strengths: a mature industrial cluster, R&D capabilities and flexible smaller businesses.Through smart investment, the government is integrating public, private and global resources to nurture industries of the future: the “internet of things”, biotechnology, smart machinery, green energy and defense. A natural extension of our current industrial capacities, these sectors will enable Taiwan to compete better in the future global economy.We are refining our capital market and making financial policy more inviting to innovation-oriented foreign investment. We are also changing how we use human capital by providing greater support to entrepreneurs and tech startups. Our new technology minister, a 35-year-old former hacker, provides a direct line between them and the government. We have also loosened regulations on foreign professionals so that Taiwan can become a regional talent hub for emerging industriesOpen for businessTo complement this economic transition, the government must take the lead in opening new markets for our products and services. We are stepping up engagement with ASEAN, south Asia, Australia and New Zealand via our “New Southbound Policy”. This focuses on education, agriculture, culture, tourism and other people-to-people interactions beyond trade and investment.We have sought to demonstrate that Taiwan is ready to join multilateral trade regimes: by reducing red tape, entrenching intellectual- property rights and streamlining the procedures governing investment. We will seek accession to the Trans-Pacific Partnership if and when it becomes available. We are also working towards bilateral agreements with important trading partners.All of this depends on a stable regional environment. We will seek dialogue with all interested parties, including China, to build a framework for peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. My cross-strait policy is to establish consistent, predictable and sustainable relations under the existing constitutional framework.Ultimately, my administration will be judged by our ability to reform and renew this country. This will demand that we deftly balance a multitude of interests across generations, classes and ethnicities, all in an uncertain international environment.Yet we go forward with confidence, trusting that our hard-won democracy will rise to the task. Taiwan’s reform and renewal will gather pace in 2017.
小額借錢的方法小額貸款率利最低銀行 2017